Parish of the
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe
St Anthony's of Calverton
Christmas Bazaar
Good Shepherd Christmas Fair raises a staggering £8785 despite economic downturn

On Saturday 26 November 2022, 10.30am to 2.30pm, the Good Shepherd parish centre once again opened its doors to the wider community to celebrate its annual Christmas Fair. Despite the grim economic outlook, the fair was a huge success, raising £8785.

"Where to begin - our hearts are bursting with gratitude and pride. Before the fair started, there was an expectation that the current economic climate would have a negative impact on our fundraising but the whole team was committed to keeping prices low to ensure more of our community could participate in all we do. It paid off as the visitors came in their droves, resulting in such an awesome fundraising total" says Sarah Benedek, organiser of the fair.

One of the biggest draws for the community was the FREE Santa's grotto, which saw lots of families participating. "We had so many enquiries in advance, asking us if we were sure the grotto was free, as they couldn't quite believe it. We've always had and are committed to keeping our grotto free for all to visit, which ensures all children can see Santa in the run up to Christmas, regardless of household wealth," continues Sarah Benedek.

Another exciting feature for visitors was the fire engine and police car, which were available throughout the day in the church car park for families to explore.

"Thank you to everyone who attended and supported us and thank you to the volunteers who made it happen. Thank you also to everyone who donated their time, raffle and tombola prizes for our event which helped us to keep our costs down. We salute you all. Today has been a good day," she concludes.
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288