Parish of the
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe
St Anthony's of Calverton
SVP Presentations
Two members of the Good Shepherd St Vincent De Paul Conference based at the Good Shepherd Church Arnold in Nottingham, Jim Thomson and Kathleen Camm, were presented with long service award certificates and the Frederick Ozanam commemoration medal for over 50 years meritorious service to the SVP spanning 6 decades. They are both very well known in the Good Shepherd parish for their work but their kindness and support for people who have faced hard times has touched both the local community and other parts of Nottingham, the country and worldwide.

Unfortunately Kathleen was unable to attend the Holy Mass in person due to Covid but was able to watch the proceedings online. We'll present Kathleen with her certificate and medal at a future Holy Mass when she is able to attend.

There was a nice surprise at the end of the SVP presentation when Father Philipp also gave out a certificate and a medal from Bishop Patrick McKinney of Nottingham for Jim and Kathleen's service to the Good Shepherd Parish over many years.

The photographs below capture the moment Jim was presented with his SVP Certificate and medal by current Good Shepherd President, Ken Steele, Jim receiving his Bishop's medal off Father Philipp and Jim showing his certificates to the congregation.

Submitted on behalf of Ken Steele
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288