Parish of the
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe
St Anthony's of Calverton
Team4U Shoebox Appeal
"It is about 25 years since the Good Shepherd church began to participate in the Christmas Shoebox appeal, often referred to as 'Love in a Box'. Last Friday, November 17th, our shoeboxes (105 of them) were collected and taken to a centre in Basford. Here they are checked for 'unsuitable' items such as sharp objects, glass containers or toys relating to war or conflict. Then begins their long overland journey to their destinations in Ukraine, Belarus, Romania and Moldova. The shoeboxes will be given to vulnerable children and families, some of whom will be displaced, through schools, nurseries, hospitals and orphanages. This is a long-standing commitment by Teams4u and the children show great wonder and delight in receiving what, to them, seem like boxes of treasure, full of little surprises and treats.

The fact that there has been a consistently generous response over the years shows that it's something that people also enjoy doing. It's surprising how much you can pack away in a good-sized shoebox, and encouraging to imagine what use, fun or joy each item will bring to the child who receives it. A big thank-you to all who have ever donated shoeboxes. If you haven't, and you would like to do something awesome and help with your own unique box of love next year, check out the Teams4u website and on You Tube for details and suggestions for boys and girls in the three age categories. There is also an option to create a 'Family' box containing useful domestic items such as tea towels, Fairy Liquid, clothes pegs, etc. Children and grandchildren love to be involved in creating a shoebox and helping decide whether it's for a girl or a boy, and what that girl or boy would most enjoy. It helps them to think about and reach out to children who live in very different circumstances from their own."

In addition, inspiration from our parish Friendship Club, an appeal was made to their members to donate items for the shoeboxes. Clubbing the items together, an additional 9 boxes were completed. We are very grateful for their generosity.

Submitted by Linda Bussey
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288