Parish of the
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe
St Anthony's of Calverton
Good Shepherd Parish Appreciation Day
On Sunday 24 November 2024, The Good Shepherd Church celebrated the volunteers and parishioners who make our church what it is. A wonderful buffet was provided, with musical entertainment to celebrate every person who cleans, sings, plays a musical instrument, maintains the outdoor space, displays flowers, prepares refreshments, bakes cakes, gives out hymn books, offers sacrament support, and generally gives their time willingly and freely for the Parish community. Father Philipp took the opportunity to thank the volunteers whole heartedly.

There was also a presentation of 'The Diocesan St. Hugh of Lincoln Award' for Mike Bussey, Robert O'Farrell and Philip Martin who were recognised by the Bishop for their commitment to the parish. In addition, the wonderful brothers Adrian and David Staiano who recently celebrated 25 years as Altar Servers, were awarded with 'Archconfraternity of St Stephen Medals of Merit'. In the words of Father Philipp: "We are so grateful to each and every one of you who makes our church what it is".

Sarah Benedek of the Good Shepherd Parish
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288