to the
Catholic Parish
St. John Paul II,
The Good Shepherd's and St Anthony's Parish Newsletter

HOSPITALS: If you know of anyone in hospital who would like a visit from a Chaplain please use one of the following telephone numbers to arrange it.
Fr. Slavic - Roman Catholic Chaplain: 07773 366120.
City Campus: 0115 969 1169 ext. 76187
QMC Campus: 0115 924 9924 ext. 83799.
The Parish of St. John Paul II, Nottingham consisting of the Church of St. Anthony, Calverton & Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe.

Parish News - keep up to date with your parish community!

BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Please fill out a Baptismal application form from the Church welcoming area and return to the Admin Suite. You will notice the times and dates of the Seminars to prepare for baptism, during which you will be able to book a date for the celebration.

FIRST CONFESSION & FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: This Sunday we welcome our First Confessors/Communicants and their families to celebrate Mass with us. The focus for these children is the Liturgy of the Word and listening to the Holy Spirit.

CONFIRMATION 2025: If you would wish to share this Sacrament next year, look out for the enrolment forms available from our Stewards in the narthex from this Sunday.

MARRIAGE IN UR TWO CHURCHES: Both of our Churches are Registered for Legal Marriage. Our programme of preparatory seminars will take place on Thursday, 6th February in the Gilbert Room and the following 4 Thursdays. Registered couples will receive an invite directly. We look forward to meeting with you again.

PARISH RESPONSIBILITIES & NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS: You may have noticed a problem in the Assembly Rooms at the Good Shepherd or in one of our Churches. The best approach to ensure quick response is to telephone or e mail the Parish Administration Suite. To ensure the comfort of all we would be grateful for support in the following:
  1. Please ensure you report any breakages and/or damage immediately.
  2. Please do not interfere with the thermostat settings: In the Assembly Rooms they are registered and sealed for the convenience of all. Please do not attempt to use a screw driver to reset them. This will challenge the convenience of other users. In the Good Shepherd Church, please advise one of our Stewards who support your convenience, if you are too hot. Once the "blowers" are turned off, they can be forgotten; future users may find the Church heating fails to work efficiently if individual "blowers" are not functioning in periods of cold weather!
  3. Your continued vigilance of all utilities (please remember to switch off electrical appliances, as well as valuing our Assembly Rooms audio visual equipment). The Assembly Rooms Manager is grateful for your attention and consideration in these matters. Thank you.

SANTA'S LOST HIS SUIT: After the Bazaar Santa Claus left his suit to air, hanging in the Long Corridor Store, from whence it has disappeared. Despite a thorough search and highlights through social media we still can't locate it. This was especially made by one of our parishioners for our benefit. If anyone has any ideas where it may be, please advise the Parish Administration Suite. Many thanks for help and co-operation.

THE POOR CLARE (COLLETINES) AT THE BULWELL MONASTERY: We are having a prayer service of the Blessing of St Colette at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Brooklyn Road, Bulwell on Saturday 1st February at 11 am, details in the attached poster. Whilst it is a Franciscan prayer event and all are welcome, St Colette is one of the patrons saints of couples who long to conceive a child, expectant mothers and sick children.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a Catholic Sacrament that provides spiritual and physical comfort to people who are ill. The Sacrament gives grace for the state into which people enter through sickness. Bishop Patrick, assisted by Clergy, will administer the Sacrament of the Sick at the Cathedral on Sunday 9th February at 3pm. Light refreshments will be available in the hall following the Service. All are welcome to attend.

PARISH REPOSITORY (RETAIL OUTLET) Did you know that local honey is for sale all year from Maria at the repository in both of our Churches? All proceeds are donated to Mary's Meals and in the last calendar year ended 31st December 2024 a total of £838.95 was raised from honey sales. An additional £65 was raised from foreign currency donations. Grateful thanks to everyone who supports these efforts. The money raised will feed 47 of the world's poorest children in school feeding programs for a whole year.
Also, any foreign currency (old & new) is forwarded via Christine Thomas, together with Christine's handmade (for all occasion) cards in support of the same charity available via St. Anthony's Church. Our sincere thanks to all of our supporters.
Please note: We encourage all of our parishioners to purchase a Sunday Missal from the Repository Shop. This will enable us not only to participate by following the Mass when we are gathered, but also to prepare for Mass at home before we journey to meet together at the Church.

ADULT FORMATION: The Adult Formation team has organised a Young Adult (18-35) Retreat Day from 3.00pm on Saturday 25th January at Holy Trinity Church, Newark. The day comprises Mass, spiritual input, a light supper, and social time. To book your place (including dietary requirements) visit: https://buy.stripe.com/7sI7t6aJYbCugve14b or donate on arrival. For further details contact charles.archer@dioceseofnottingham.uk.

A CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE: Bishop Patrick warmly invites all married couples to Saint Barnabas Cathedral (NG1 5AE) on Sunday 16th February when we will celebrate Mass at 3.00pm to mark the Jubilee of Marriages. The Bishop will lead a Renewal of Vows during the Mass, impart a special Jubilee Blessing, and afterwards host a Reception in Cathedral Hall. All married couples (and their families) are very welcome to attend, especially those recently married, and those celebrating significant anniversaries this Jubilee year.

ASSISTED SUICIDE Legislation - what happens next? Bishop John Sherrington writes regarding an update on the assisted suicide legislation, known as the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, that the next stage is evidence-gathering by the committee examining the Bill, and Bishop John will submit written evidence to that. This committee will examine the Bill in detail, after which it will then return to the floor of the House of Commons for a further substantive vote. This vote will probably take place in late April or early May. The Bill could be defeated in that important division. Individuals and interested organisations can submit written evidence to the committee, and further details can be found at www.parliament.uk/business/news/2025/january/terminally-ill-adults-end-of-life-bill-call-for-evidence/

LIVE STREAMING: All celebrations at the Good Shepherd Church using the live streaming via Churchservices.tv.


The Good Shepherd Office - goodshepherd@dioceseofnottingham.uk
Baptism enquiry - gsbaptism@dioceseofnottingham.uk
Hall Booking enquiry - gshallbookings@dioceseofnottingham.uk

To assist a speedy response to your enquiry about the manifold activity of the our Community of North East Nottinghamshire (The Good Shepherd Church, Woodthorpe/Sherwood/Carrington/Arnold & Mapperley Plains with St. Anthony's Church, Calverton) please be confident to use one of the e mail addresses above.
We recommend you visit the Parish Website - details on the previous page!

Representatives for the Good Shepherd: Julian Caesar 07513725471 (Good Shepherd) & Mr Christopher Forbes.

For St. Anthony's, Calverton: contact Mrs Christine Thomas on christine.thomasPSR@dioceseofnottingham.uk tel: 07722 642429

Please note these numbers are not personal and exclusive for use by the Safeguarding reps.
From the Finance Committee of The Good Shepherd:
Last Week: 12/01/ ad 2025
Collection: £1356:23     Standing Orders: £920.00
Special Collection: £752:65     St. Anthony S & R £907.35
General Donations to parish funds can be made using a debit /credit card in the Porch


Secretary - Mr Philip Martin.
Thank you for your generous and responsible giving. At the Good Shepherd Church donations can be received BY SMARTPHONE OR BY CARD: It is also possible to make one-off donations to the parish by smartphone. The code for you to scan with a smartphone camera is shown to the left. By scanning this code the smartphone will immediately open the parish's dedicated on-line donations page. To scan the code you will need to have installed a reputable QR and Barcode scanner app on your smartphone. Card Offerings or payments for Repository items can be made contactless by using the Digital collection plate in the welcome area of the Church. Legacies: Thank you for remembering the work of the Good Shepherd and St. Anthony's in Your Will.
Dear parishioners:

PLEASE CONTINUE to offer courtesy to our neighbours when parking cars in the vicinity of the Church. Thanks!

Last updated 17.01.2025
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288