Parish of the
Good Shepherd, Woodthorpe
St Anthony's of Calverton
The Good Shepherd's and St Anthony's Parish Newsletter

HOSPITALS: If you know of anyone in hospital who would like a visit from a Chaplain please use one of the following telephone numbers to arrange it.
Fr. Slavic - Roman Catholic Chaplain: 07773 366120.
City Campus: 0115 969 1169 ext. 76187
QMC Campus: 0115 924 9924 ext. 83799.
30th Anniversary of St. Anthony's Church, Calverton: Our Communities working together. 60th Anniversary of the Good Shepherd

A reflection from Pope Francis for the Seventeenth Sunday of the Year: The Catechism encourages the prayerful reading of Scripture, a dialogue between God and ourselves (cf. No. 2653). The interplay of prayer and the reading of Scripture is seen especially in the practice of lectio divina: slowly reading a biblical passage, then spending time meditating on the text in openness to the Holy Spirit, speaking to us through a particular word, phrase or image. The fruit of this prayerful dialogue is contemplation, as we silently rest under the Father's loving gaze. The Scriptures thus become an inexhaustible source of peace, wisdom and strength as we grow in charity and service of others.
To read the full reflection and find more resources at

NUPTIAL CONGRATULATIONS: Following on from the Marriage of Vanessa McGill and Lewis Parks (to whom we continue to offer prayerful congratulations), we greet James Woodhouse and Anne-Marie Smith who look forward to celebrating their Sacrament of Marriage within the Nuptial Mass on Friday, next, 2nd August at 12 noon. Please Note our normal Friday celebrations are suspended this week in favour of the Nuptial Mass. See noted later in the Newsletter for Fridays of August.

Weekly Parish Welcome to Friendship.

Hospitality is offered to warmly welcome you to our two communities each Sunday as follows in order of time:
At The Good Shepherd: Coffee Morning 10:45 am. coffee
At St. Anthony's Church: Coffee Morning 12:05 pm.

Weekday Convivium:

At the Good Shepherd on Tuesday mornings at 9:55 am.
At St. Anthony's on Wednesday mornings at 9:55 am. Local Café.

Planning for Late Summer & Autumn with Parish Information.

PARISH TEA DANCES: Our next monthly tea dance in the Marian Hall is on 7th August ad 2024 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Master of Ceremonies - Ron with catering by Barbara Simpson.

FIRST CONFESSION & FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2025. Enrolment cards for the above Sacraments for children rising to 8 (year 4) are available by request from the Sacristy after any celebration of Mass. Closing date for enrolment this year will be Sunday, 15th September.

INFANT BAPTISM: We celebrate this on completion of the preparatory seminars. Please register using one of the forms in the Narthex of the Churches.

RCIC-CHILDREN 4+ - 11. We continue to offer a course of preparation for Baptism etc… for children of Primary age who haven't yet been baptized. Enrolment cards are available from the Admin Suite (during Office hours) or the narthex. You will be contacted on return of the card.

ADULT ENQUIRY INTO THE CATHOLIC FAITH: We have a continuous programme of response to enquiry of what the Church teaches and how she practices the Spiritual Life. Parishioners are encouraged to seek out enquirers into the Faith and share the enrolment cards found in the narthex.

PARISH MEN'S GROUP: In response to request we hope to form a Catholic Men's Fellowship in the parish in the Autumn Semester. Look out for a date soon to be fixed to enable participation from members of both of our communities. This will have both a social and spiritual dimension.

PARISH FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY: The Friendship Society reopens on Thursday, 12th September ad 2024 and a new programme for the Autumn Semester will be published as soon as it is finalized.

FRIDAY SOUP LUNCHES: Now in Summer recess and reopening on 6th September.

CHRISTMAS '24 & THE PARISH SHOP: The Christmas catalogue is now available in the Repository Shop. If you need a Nativity Set or plan to replace your current one, it may not be possible to obtain your choice if left too late. Please drop by on Saturday evening or Sunday morning and speak with Mrs. Godfrey to see what is available and place your orders. Thank you.

FAITH SUMMER BREAK: Join some of the Cathedral Choristers on a residential to find out more about your faith and make new friends.
For children aged 10-15 the Faith Summer Break is a fun filled week that allows young people the opportunity to ask questions and explore the Catholic faith in a relaxed friendly environment, that includes a trip to Thorpe Park! The cost of the week is £200 and more details can be found at If you would like to go please contact Gregory Treloar at

PLANNING NOW FOR OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. We know the summer break is a great time to clear rooms and tidy toys. If you have any good condition toys, teddy bears, unwanted gifts, bric-a-brac, new beauty items and unopened wine/bottle donations that you could hold onto, our Church will be accepting donations in the parish centre foyer from September, ready for our Christmas Fair. Save the date - Saturday 30 November. It's a great family occasion and all are welcome.

A THANK YOU ALWAYS: for all of your generous and responsible giving throughout the year, and especially for the needs of the parish whilst on holiday. We record with gratitude your generous weekly envelopes/

Thank you for the example of Faith.

The Late Helen Mary Kerridge RIP: whose Requiem Mass and Funeral Rites will be received at the Parish Church of The Good Shepehrd on 31st July at 5:00pm prior to Requiem Mass and Funeral Rites on Thursday, 1st August at 10:00am.

The Late Hildegarde (Hilda) D' Souza RIP: whose funeral rites take place at St. Anthony's Church, Calverton on 30th July at 5:00 pm, prior to Funeral Service at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 31st July at 2:00 pm followed by committal at Gedling crematorium at 3:00 pm.

May these souls now rest with the Lord in His peace.


The Good Shepherd Office -
Baptism enquiry -
Hall Booking enquiry -

To assist a speedy response to your enquiry about the manifold activity of the our Community of North East Nottinghamshire (The Good Shepherd Church, Woodthorpe/Sherwood/Carrington/Arnold & Mapperley Plains with St. Anthony's Church, Calverton) please be confident to use one of the e mail addresses above.
We recommend you visit the Parish Website - details on the previous page!

Representatives for the Good Shepherd: Julian Caesar 07513725471 (Good Shepherd) & Mr Christopher Forbes.

For St. Anthony's, Calverton: contact Mrs Christine Thomas on tel: 07722 642429

Please note these numbers are not personal and exclusive for use by the Safeguarding reps.
From the Finance Committee of The Good Shepherd:

Secretary - Mr Philip Martin.
Thank you for your generous and responsible giving. At the Good Shepherd Church donations can be received BY SMARTPHONE OR BY CARD: It is also possible to make one-off donations to the parish by smartphone. The code for you to scan with a smartphone camera is shown to the left. By scanning this code the smartphone will immediately open the parish's dedicated on-line donations page. To scan the code you will need to have installed a reputable QR and Barcode scanner app on your smartphone. Card Offerings or payments for Repository items can be made contactless by using the Digital collection plate in the welcome area of the Church. Legacies: Thank you for remembering the work of the Good Shepherd and St. Anthony's in Your Will.
Dear parishioners:

PLEASE CONTINUE to offer courtesy to our neighbours when parking cars in the vicinity of the Church. Thanks!

Last updated 26.07.2024
3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288