HOSPITALS: If you know of anyone in hospital who would like a visit from a Chaplain please use one of the following telephone numbers to arrange it. Fr. Slavic - Roman Catholic Chaplain: 07773 366120.
City Campus: 0115 969 1169 ext. 76187 QMC Campus: 0115 924 9924 ext. 83799. | |
30th Anniversary of St. Anthony's Church, Calverton: Our Communities working together. 60th Anniversary of the Good Shepherd
A REFLECTION FOR THE YEAR OF PRAYER FROM POPE FRANCIS: for the Twenty-third Sunday of the Year: Our parents, who first taught us to pray, planted within us a seed that matures through our experience of the Christian life. Particularly at difficult moments in life, we come to realize the importance of prayer in strengthening our faith and hope. Jesus insists on the need of his disciples to pray tirelessly and without ceasing: to pray and to teach others to pray is essential for the Church's mission of proclaiming the Gospel, serving Christ in our brothers and sisters, and drawing all people into the unity of his kingdom. To read the full reflection and find more resources at Parish News - keep up to date with your parish community! PARISH QUIZ NIGHT & SUPPER: Keep Saturday, 21st September for our next Parish Quiz Night. Always a great evening with good food (3 course supper), quiz entertainment and prizes to be won. Tickets £7:50. or a family ticket (" Adults and 2 children) at £20:00 are now available. THE NAZARETH COMMUNITY:In love and service for the Good Shepherd OUR PRAYER TO JESUS. "Lord Jesus, establish the Community of your friends all over your Holy Catholic Church, make it a vehicle for spreading your Word, an instrument for service in your Church, and a medium to call more workers into your Vineyard. Amen". If you are interested to be a member of the Community or you want more information about the Community, please enquire at the Parish Office or email: Thank you. CHRISTMAS ‘24 & THE PARISH SHOP: The Christmas catalogue is now available in the Repository Shop. If you are updating your Missal for the New Translations of the Lectionary, now is the time to place orders with Mrs. Godfrey in the Marian Cloister or Mrs Hodgkinson at St. Atnhony's. PLANNING NOW FOR OUR CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. At Good Shepherd. If you have any good condition toys, teddy bears, unwanted gifts, bric-a-brac, new beauty items and unopened wine/bottle donations that you could hold onto, We will be accepting donations in the parish centre foyer from September, ready for our Christmas Fair. Save the date - Saturday 30 November. It's a great family occasion and all are welcome. ST. ANTHONY'S AUTUMN FAYRE: Thanks to wonderful support from parishioners and villagers this has been a very successful event in the past 2 years. The Fair will be held on 23rd November between 10am and 1pm. In order to build on our success we are seeking donations of tombola prizes and desirable items for the gift stall. Items such as unopened sets of toiletries/cosmetics, chocolates, bottles of drinks (soft or alcoholic) or other bottles ( e.g. bubble bath) would be very helpful (we are not selling bric a brac this year). We will be collecting donations going forward so please bring along anything suitable that you are able to contribute. If anyone is able to make quality home crafted gifts to be sold please speak with Bernadette Carter after the 11.15am mass. Many thanks in advance. FROM THE PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: Enabling Our Mission Thank you for your support! We have now secured £157,560 in pledges for the Enabling Our Mission Campaign. Further pledges to support The Bishop are still welcomed. Thanks to all. THE FRIENDS OF NOTTINGHAM CATHEDRAL are hosting a Cocktail Party FOR MEMBERS in the Cathedral Hall and Gardens on Thursday 19th September, from 6pm - 8pm. If you would like to come along to the Cocktail Party to find out how you could help support the 'Friends' by becoming a member, please email: by the 15th September, or write to: Friends of Nottingham Cathedral, Cathedral House, North Circus Street, Nottingham. NG1 5AE. FRIENDS OF THE JESUS OF NAZARETH COMMUNITY: In love and service for the Good Shepherd We thank you for returning your registration form. If you have not yet returned yours, please fill it and return to the Parish Office or send by email to: There will be a meeting of the Community at 7.00pm on Friday 20 September 2024 at the Church Hall. Everyone is welcome. Let us pray: Lord Jesus, establish the Community of your friends all over your Holy Catholic Church, make me a vehicle for spreading your Word, an instrument for service in your Church, and a medium to call more workers into your Vineyard. Amen. THE GOOD SHEPHERD FRIENDSHIP GROUP: We will be hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning in the social centre, Thackerays Lane on 28th September 2024 from 11-1 o'clock. Come and join in the coffee, tea and delicious cakes, together with our ever popular 100 Tombola (everyone gets a prize!). All proceeds to the Macmillan Cancer Support. SECOND COLLECTION- A second collection will be held on 14th/15th September to help support the Church's evangelisation work. The Third Sunday in September, formerly called Home Mission Sunday, is now known as Evangelii Gaudium Sunday. Named after Pope Francis' first Apostolic Exhortation on the Joy of the Gospel, the day offers the Catholic community in England and Wales the opportunity to be joyous in proclaiming the Faith, seeking new ways of understanding the Faith and reaching out to others. Envelopes for the collection are included in the set of offertory envelopes for those that use them. Thank you for your usual generosity. TUESDAY HOLY HOUR: The last Holy Hour of Adoration Tuesday evenings will end on 24 September 2024. We look forward to re-starting again in May 2025. Thank you for the support during this season, Cheryl. FRIDAY SOUP LUNCHES: will resume on Friday 20th September, all are welcome in The Joseph Hall after 12pm Mass for soup & rolls (Savories & sweet cakes available with tea/coffee etc.) | |
NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES: The Good Shepherd Office - Baptism enquiry - Hall Booking enquiry - |
CONTACT US! To assist a speedy response to your enquiry about the manifold activity of the our Community of North East Nottinghamshire (The Good Shepherd Church, Woodthorpe/Sherwood/Carrington/Arnold & Mapperley Plains with St. Anthony's Church, Calverton) please be confident to use one of the e mail addresses above. We recommend you visit the Parish Website - details on the previous page! |
PARISH SAFEGUARDING: Representatives for the Good Shepherd: Julian Caesar 07513725471 (Good Shepherd) & Mr Christopher Forbes. For St. Anthony's, Calverton: contact Mrs Christine Thomas on tel: 07722 642429 Please note these numbers are not personal and exclusive for use by the Safeguarding reps. |
From the Finance Committee of The Good Shepherd: Last Week: 01/09/ ad 2024 Collection: £1591.87 Standing Orders: £920.00 PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: Secretary - Mr Philip Martin. Thank you for your generous and responsible giving. At the Good Shepherd Church donations can be received BY SMARTPHONE OR BY CARD: It is also possible to make one-off donations to the parish by smartphone. The code for you to scan with a smartphone camera is shown to the left. By scanning this code the smartphone will immediately open the parish's dedicated on-line donations page. To scan the code you will need to have installed a reputable QR and Barcode scanner app on your smartphone. Card Offerings or payments for Repository items can be made contactless by using the Digital collection plate in the welcome area of the Church. Legacies: Thank you for remembering the work of the Good Shepherd and St. Anthony's in Your Will. |
Dear parishioners: PLEASE CONTINUE to offer courtesy to our neighbours when parking cars in the vicinity of the Church. Thanks! |
Last updated 06.09.2024 |