to the
Catholic Parish
St. John Paul II,
The parish think tank is a small cross-section of our parish community invited by the parish priest, Fr Philipp, to consider ways in which the parish can give impetus to the Bishop's exhortation to Encounter Christ. Part of its role is to help develop a parish environment that encourages vocations to the priesthood and religious life and which reaches out to the wider local community and the sacramentally inactive.

The Think Tank links with the parish's existing ministries and services to develop and deliver its initiatives. A directory of parish services has been produced. This is available from the church, copies can be collected when visiting the church, found in the church foyer or from the administration suite. Please alert the parish office if you find none available.

Scheduled meetings 2025:

The think tank normally meets every two months, usually on a Saturday morning (10.00-11.30am) in the parish community centre.

Its scheduled meetings for the 2025 calendar year are as follows:

 18th January 2025
 22nd March 2025
 24th May 2025
 12th July 2025
 13th September 2025
 15th November 2025

These dates are provisional. The date for each meeting is only confirmed at the preceding meeting.

Contact points:
  • Reg Carter (Chairperson) 07826 852842
  • Philip Martin (Secretary) 07790 283190
Please ring either Reg or Philip if you want to get involved.


The following documents provide more information about the think tank: Minutes:

The think tank's approved minutes are routinely posted on the noticeboard in the church narthex. The latest minutes are: Diocesan links:

The work of the think tank is informed by the Bishop of Nottingham's pastoral letters of 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018 and 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2019. It is also assisted by the resources produced by the diocese to support the three key themes of Encounter, Discipleship and Missionary Discipleship that the Bishop introduced to provide a renewed spiritual foundation for all parishes in the diocese. Links to these documents are given below:

3 Thackeray's Lane, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, NG5 4HT. Tel: (0115) 926 8288